The NUN 2 full movie in hindi 2023 - Filmywap21


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Sunday, September 10, 2023


The NUN 2 full movie in hindi 2023

 The nun 2 full movie download 2023


Full Movie Review

the nun too is directed by Michael chavs who previously directed The Curse of LA Eurona and The Conjuring Three This is his third film in The Conjuring Universe. The film takes place in 1956 in France where a priest is murdered and evil is spreading and Sister Irene Once    again comes face to face with Valik's expectations for the nun too because the first film didn't really work for me The Conjuring films have hit or miss I think James Juan's contribution to the franchise has been amazing I did enjoy The Conjuring 3 this director's previous film but not all of them have been home runs and many of them do seem to be a long series of jump scares that don't really amount to anything I found this to be a much better film than the first The story is considerably more about investing

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I don't even remember much of anything about the first movie except for a few scenes this film certainly has the requisite scares that most fans expect out of a Conjuring Universe movie but it has characters that  not only the previous none film but many others in The Conjuring Universe haven't done and That  set up a very tragic and real story that involves some rather harsh characters that normally don't get that violence directed at them in this film in early death during the First Act made I feel like no one was safe and that Pretty much anybody was Expendable but Better yet the director here has really improved with each movie he's made in the film was edited by Gregory Plotkin and Every scare sequence feels like it's cut Just about perfectly there are plenty of excellent tension-based visuals where The nun is kept in the shadows or seen but not quite seen I'll be completely honest I went into this movie thinking that I probably wouldn't even talk about I just wanted to kind of stay up to date with what's going on with horror in theaters nowadays and about 20 minutes in I found myself very invested in the story liking the way it was cut and shot and wondering when it was going to become the really crappy nun sequel that I thought it was going to be halfway Throughout the movie I was still wondering by the time the film ended, I was totally invested there's one sequence in particular involving a magazine rack That I do think is an all-timer for the collection of characters here that are all some way impacted by this demonic presence of an older woman who's still grieving the loss of her son a single Mom and her young daughter at a boarding school the young daughter wants her

mother to get together with a gardener who works there and of course, Sister Irene and newcomer Deborah played by Storm Reed all of whom find themselves connected by the nun but because the

 film takes its time to really establish The  characters as living breathing people all of whom have religious doubts as well as tragic pasts in the case of the young girl being severely tormented at school I actually found myself giving an in-between the scare sequences I also tried something With this phone I haven't done in a while in the past I've talked about how I tend to not watch or read reviews of a movie before I see it and that still is true but it's really hard to avoid seeing the Tomato Meter score or the Metacritic score that number I often will see the number before I see a movie Because it's everywhere it's really hard to avoid if you follow any movie-based

websites but this time around I decided

to not look at even that so I didn't

read any reviews and I didn't even know

What the tomato Meter score was

before I saw the movie and so I went in

truly without being influenced by

anything and when I left the theater and

saw what the score was I was like you

know what it's better than that because

I wasn't thinking about that while I was

watching the movie and I do think that's

something I'm going to try to do as

often as possible, I'm really tired of

having these preconceptions when I go

into movies, I think it's damaging the

film experience I think it's damaging to

filmmakers and I think it's damaging to

the audience I think we should be able

to make up our own mind about these

things I loved that I didn't feel any o

that pressure going in I could just

truly experience the movie as it was

meant to be experienced and I do think

it made it much better for me I don't

think the nun 2 is going to go down as

one of the best horror films ever made

aid but I do think that if this was the

90s and Blockbuster was still around

ThisThe  would become a popular rental

similar to some of the later films in

The Halloween or Nightmare on Elm Street

franchise there are a handful of choices

in the movie that I didn't necessarily

agree with and sometimes characters make

Logic leaps that seem to just come about

From nowhere there are Visions in the

movie that Sister Irene has that leads

her to believe she has to do certain

things and sometimes it feels like she's just telling us these Visions she had and these new motivations she feels

where we're not necessarily feeling that transitional motivation that sort of takes someone from point A to point B in a horror movie it's just sort of happening really quickly there's a sense of urgency that's built as a result that I didn't really feel was authentic beyond that I thought the nun too was a very effective horror movie it does do that thing that a lot of conjuring movies do where they introduce something meant to maybe do something else I don't know that it will do what that scene in Conjuring 2 did which is literally spawned this franchise but it was acceptable and it did help raise the stakes during the third act which I thought was a surprisingly thrilling look

the nun 2 was nothing like I thought it would be I really really thought I was just going to go to this movie to kind of check it off like yep saw it it's in

The catalog now of horror movies that I've seen but I found myself really enjoying it so guys if you do have time.

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